Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday

For Holy Week, rather than write posts myself, I will post different art (visual, literature, music) by people much more brilliant than myself. This first poem is from Jesuit priest, innovative poet, Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844-1899).

New Readings

Although the letter said
On thistles that men look not grapes to gather,
I read the story rather
How soldiers platting thorns around CHRIST'S Head
Grapes grew and drops of wine were shed.

Though when the sower sowed
The winged fowls took part, part fell in thorn
And never turned to corn,
Part found no root upon the flinty road,-
CHRIST at all hazards fruit hath shewed.

From wastes of rock He brings
Food for five thousand: on the thorns He shed
Grains from His drooping Head;
And would not have that legion of winged things
Bear Him to heaven on easeful wings.

Friend and poet of Hopkin's, Robert Bridges, indicated that this poem had similarities with George Herbert's poem The Sacrifice. I apologize for the unnecessary music that is on the following page, either turn off your sound or turn the volume down and hit pause. Read "The Sacrifice" here.

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